Thursday, September 5, 2013


Guess who's back
Back again

That's right I am back and feeling spicy.

just wanted to say hey. 

Have a grand Thirsty Thursday!

Monday, April 29, 2013


WOW sorry I suck at this... 

but it's hell week(s) and I won't be able to post for a while. 

but for some in between studies entertainment. 

Some myspace pictures.
Caution: What you are about to see is disturbing and scarring.  

the tie die really distracts from my big ass teeth with braces. 

the angle really understands me. (and the ring pop adds that extra touch)

a series of unfortunate events 

I could've learned to wear makeup...

cool bangz brah...

the smirk....

xoxo, MorganHatesMakeup
(but really) 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Meet KKMeg

Alright world, it's time you meet KKMeg

My first college friend & future roomie
(get ready)

1. Rocker
2. She likes to text
3. Smarty
4. Drinks like a man
5. Blunt

You have never met anyone like Meggie Parks, a sorority girl with the soul of a 1990's dark punk rocker. She knows the lyrics to every nirvana song and can blow your mind with the amount of dark music that blares from her speakers. She should be a death metal bands agent, because let me tell you she would rock at it (no pun intended)

Today her dreams came true....
Gavin Rossdale 
(in the band Bush, but more importantly Gwen Stefani's husband)
TWEETED HER BACK!!!!!!! and as excited as I sound writing this Meggie almost had a heart attack. 

no one really responded... (oops)

Anyways as you can tell she was really pumped. She even has a Bush sticker on her car. Which is why we have nicknamed it "The Bush" (But don't really say it out loud because it makes her angry)

here we are putting beer into the bush.

here is Meggie drinking like a man

and here she is blowing up my phone as usual

You gotta love her! 
Follow her @KKmeg 
or also at her rock account @emogirl666

Besties fo tha resties!

xoxo, It's Bridges Bitch

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Poetry Class

I am in Poetry class

I have



Here is my poem:

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I hate Poetry

but really I LOATHE it.

k, peace & blessings

Monday, April 22, 2013

When I Grow Up

So here I am about to start my sophomore year of college and honestly I really don't exactly know what I want to do with my life. I always thought I would just be a wife and a mother but now that I think about that mmmmm... I'd rather not. Tomorrow I register for classes and it is becoming scary to think that I am choosing my classes based on what I will be doing for the rest of my life. LIKE WHAT?!!!! 

When I grow up.....

--I want to have a family. A husband who loves me and always keeps me laughing. A couple dogs (a french bulldog and a husky). Children who entertain me and hopefully 3 or 4 of them so that if I don't get the first one right I will have a second chance. and my mother doesn't think that is a very good philosophy but I think it is pretty spot on. I don't really care where we live or what kind of house, as long as it is safe and has some sort of amenities. I would really want a pool but hey I'm not going to be a complainer and I'll take what I can get. 

--I want to be able to travel. There is so much you can learn from going to other places in the world. I want to be able to travel as much as possible and take in as much as I can see. Plus going on vaca is the best part of my year. 

--I want to have a cool job. As much as I wish I was in a profession that made a ton of money I doubt I will be. I want to go to graduate school and so if I continue in that direction and keep my mind on the prize maybe I will get lucky and have a job I love as well as make enough money to sustain my habits... as in shopping, traveling, and eating. 

Most importantly when I grow up I want to be HAPPY, yeah I know how cliche right? 

Really here is the most important part of this post. I have figured out my goals in school

I will double major in Journalism & Public Relations.
I will then go on to graduate school. 

You may have to drag me away from Austin Texas.

Kappa Kasual (As told by Aladden)

Last Thursday we had our Kappa Kasual and it was pretty eventful. One of the more prominent stories of the night was Allison's.

We began at Snow Pea where we had to set up our own tables because obviously no one that works there can count.

But first we had to get there...
this is her selfie to Snow Pea
"squished in the trunk on the way there"

here she is in the bathroom

here she is making the same face in every picture

and here is with her date whom she showed the blog and the wall of shame.....
and she shacked ;)

her and Sean's really good selfie at Snow Pea

Bus ride there..
"My "Proof" for being on the bus"

as you can tell they get progressively worse...

She drug her date into the Women's restroom and made him hold her hair because she thought she was going to throw up...

looking so comfy in Sean's arms..

this is our Kappa Advisor (aka chaperone) Allison proceeded to ask her who her date was because she thought she was an active member of our chapter. (LAWLZ)

And to wrap up the night at Haven she skipped out on the Bus (AGAIN) and took a cab home to cuddle with Sean.

xoxo, morgz

Top 10 Things I Need For Summer 2013

15 days. There are only 15 days (at least for me) until Summer. I am really excited!!!!!
So here I am in class not paying attention and online shopping.
The Top TEN things I Need For Summer 2013!

1. Cover up/Dress
for the pool/beach/lake
urban outfitters
 2. Tank Top 
no bra (holllllaaa)

2. Shorts
cause they are cute<3

4. Tory Burch sandals
So I can seem rich & becuz they go with everything

Tory Burch

5. Swimsuit swim

6. Pool Floatie
To be patriotic and fun
urban outfitters

7. This headband
To be cliche & wear this to SUMMERFEST
urban outfitters

8. These Records
To listen to on my really terrible record player

9. Stackable Rings

urban outfitters

10. Sunglasses
<3 <3
urban outfitters

Gonna miss you bitchez 

xoxo MorganHatesMakeup